How can we better improve care for LGTBQIA+ patients in and beyond the practice suite?
This discussion will provide insights on continuity of care, pain points in practice and also dive into how systems are implementing best practices for managing the data and patient experience of their LGTBQIA+ populations.
Concurrent to AMA celebrating Pride Month, our discussion catalyzes active and ongoing research which directly improves patient outcomes.
Join us here on #OurAMA Physician Innovation Network to learn & share best practices and spur critical dialog!
The work ahead includes creating an inclusive, respectful culture to promote health-seeking behaviors, identifying, understanding, and eliminating disparities, and developing evidence-based clinical guidelines spanning the lifespan and across the continuum of care. In other posts withing this panel we've discussed the need to create a welcoming environment, accurate and relevant emographic data collection, demographics, encounter element data (e.g. HPI, ROS, PE), and clinical decision support. A successful approach requires ongoing partnership between patients, healthcare professionals, EHR vendors, payors, and the government. All must be aligned to assure optimal population management including quality measures for outcome success metrics. We're gaining momentum, now let's keep moving forward. Here's some helpful background:
It's important to keep in mind that the needs of many minoritized communities, including LGBTQ people, change over time. This is true as our evidence base for care evolves, and our understanding of the impact of identity on health. It's critical that all health IT stakeholders keep in mind that it's critical to revisit how we are meeting the needs of all communities. This is not "one and done"!