Patient-Entered Wellness Data and Healthy Lifestyles: Tailored Electronic Recommendations to Foster Preventive Care

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American Medical Association (AMA)
Patient-Entered Wellness Data and Healthy Lifestyles: Tailored Electronic Recommendations to Foster Preventive Care

There is more health data generated than ever before, but is the data meaningful? In a sea of health data, providers and patients struggle with the amount of data that bombards them, so determining new approaches to collecting the best data is critical. Engaging patients in the collection of their wellness data could achieve this by providing better insight into healthy, or unhealthy, lifestyles. Innovations in the technologies that assist in patient-entered wellness data could influence treatment and orders given by providers, leading to an increase in preventive care and tailored personalized recommendations.   

Nathan Clairmont
Michael Rothberg
Kenzie Latham-Mintus
Joel Hungate